
What I Used to Be- An eight year old print of a piece I did a decade ago. A self-portrait from a place that seems to fade further and further into the data banks, and a piece that was timely birthed in one event having a rebirth in another. For the things that can change over a decade, there are equally things that didn’t and won’t (said positively). It’s cool/weird to think about how all the cells in my body have been replaced since making the original, and how it still rings true to me as a self-portrait while incorporating some of what’s happened since.

8in x 17in print in 16in x 23in x 5in frame

Birch, Gold Enamel, Bronze Mirror, Gold Chain, Digital Print

Currently available.





What I Did

Design & Fabrication

Extreme Detail.

Some sections less than .3mm thick. Only a few pieces caught on fire in the process.